Sunday, July 3, 2011

Meet me in LOVE

It was the name of the first song we listened to, he and I. The first night we met it went something like this  -- It was a hot summer night in May. I was just coming home from a girls fishing trip in Rockport, and Josh was returning from a day at the lake with friends. Bert and Beau, our mutual friends, invited me to have dinner with them at Chuy's and have a game night afterward. I couldn't refuse because game nights are my favorite. So I went and I fell in love...
When I first saw him, I turned red and tried not to look directly at him because I thought he'd see right through me. He was the most gorgeous person I'd ever met.  For some reason when we sat a full table I tried to sit as far away as I could, but that didn't stop him. Josh being the sweet, charming character he is spoke to me from across the table and asked me what I was going to order. "The Lite Plate," I responded ..haha... as if there were any other choice. Josh ordered the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom...yes that's a real dish. When the food arrived, from across the table, he said, "Do you want to try I bite of mine?" I accepted. He handed a forkful to someone who then handed it to me. I took a bite. It was spicy and made me hot and uncomfortable which, in all actuality, captured my feelings that night.
After dinner we all got in our cars and headed to Josh's apartment to play board games. About eight of us gathered around the table, drank coffee and played games. I sat across from Josh. I finally looked up as I laughed at someone's joke, comment or story and we locked eyes. I'm not kidding when I say TIME STOOD STILL and it was like everything was paused ( at least for me) ..unreal. It was such a cool moment. One by one people began to leave and pretty soon it was just me and Josh playing Boggle, talking about World War II, planes, Garth Brooks and the song "Meet me in love." I had just finished writing  paper about "Troyal Garth Brooks" and Seth (my brother) showed me this song. Not even thinking about it I asked do you want to hear's the BEST song in the world. I found it online and began playing it and as brooks sang the words I began turning red only this time I couldn't hide it because it was just him and me. After the song I saw it was 2 a.m. and I knew it was time to go. So I told him thanks for hosting and it was really nice to meet him and how much fun it was. He reached over to his desk and handed me a BUSINESS cheesy - and said would you like to go to lunch sometime? Of course I said yes and handed him one of my business cards, not to be outdone. I smiled the whole way home. When I got home and went to bed I was so happy and still thinking about him so I sent him a little text message that read.."I got home safely, in case you were wondering." He replied "I was. I'm glad. Goodnight."
Now, we're happily engaged and I'll be blogging through the wedding planning and recalling little bits and pieces of our story. It's going to be a hodge podge of posts, but you're sure to never be bored. Also, this is not a blog just for the wedding...the wedding is just my springboard. You can expect to hear from me quite often. So please take a seat and enjoy. Leave your feedback, comments and thoughts as you wish. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I absolutely love this, Kevyn! I can't wait to check in on your wedding process. I love you two! Xoxo


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