Friday, January 25, 2013

It's time to play Family Feud!

If you know me then you know I LOVE games. We love hosting game nights, and when we have the family over it usually results in a game or two.

One day last month my husband and I were watching Family Feud…and we see this billboard flash on our screen that says tryouts will be held in Austin. I immediately turned to him and exclaimed, what do you think?!

I grabbed my phone typed in the address and low and behold you actually have to sign up in advance to reserve your space for the tryouts. So, I signed us up and WE MADE IT!

Zac, Traci, Me and Josh at the tryouts.
I was super excited, but I never expected what we saw when we walked in to the tryouts area – a million people!

My heart sank for a brief moment when I saw that 500-600 people were also able to reserve our timeslot. The tryouts were twice per day for two days…if as many people were signed up for the other timeslots then we were competing against 2,000 to 2,400 families! YIKES!

Anyways, I got over it. Then, we took a clipboard signed in and filled out a little bit of information about our lovely family. After all the paperwork was done we were told the tryout would be held in our very room, in front of all the other families trying out! Yikes, again!

After some of the first families got through the mock playing we critiqued and methodically planned how we were going to do better.

Traci and Me trying to get the most out of our Tips and Pointers sheet.
On the “Tips and Pointers” sheet we received it clearly stated: WE DON’T CARE IF YOU WIN THE GAME – we are looking at how fun you will be on TV. And THAT was our plan, but we also wanted to win so we started answering the questions in our own group to see what it’d be like.  

Time flew by and pretty soon our butterflies were gone. We had what you’d call the “dream team” there: Traci (our aunt), Alex (our cousin), Zac (our brother), Josh and me. After a little coaxing, Traci agreed to be our fearless leader, and she was terrific.

By the time it was our turn, the room was about halfway cleared out. We went up to the table in sort of a dancing fashion and bounced around even hummed the Family Feud song a bit.

Alex, Zac and Josh in the back of the tryouts room.
Then, IT WAS GAMETIME! During the gameplay it was hard to focus on what good answers would be….but we tried. We had some Great Answers and a great first question:

Name something do in the nude at their house.

The funniest was when Traci said “make love” and Alex responded…"that’s my mom!” In reality that was going to be his answer so he exclaimed that to try and think of another and the whole room burst into laughter…a move that earned him a star!

All in all, the most important things we did was be supportive by saying “good answer” gave high fives and celebrated everything! We had a GREAT huddle also.

I know all of this because when our turn was up, we were given back our application and a business card back and told, “Give this to the front desk and they’ll tell you what to do.”

Zac, Alex, Me and Josh waiting to see the EP!
So, of course we did. The person at the front mumbled to me, “Pretend you forgot to fill out something on this application, we just have to wait for a few families to clear out.”

Done! I was SO EXCITED I knew it meant we were moving on…everyone else looked at me like what did you forget to fill out??…then I told them she said PRETEND! And the joy was multiplied. We were moved upstairs where we got to meet the EXECUTIVE PRODUCER and TOP CAMERAMAN.

This is when we really turned up the charm. It was our shining moment. Traci sang to the camera….”family feud we are coming to play youuu.” Alex was hysterical. Zac was great. I told them how much we loved our family and how we love game nights…I also mentioned Josh and I were newlyweds, and during his turn he told them he had his private pilot’s license. I think we offered enough energy and diversity to be picked!

BUT… we won’t know for another 2 weeks! They filmed the tryouts and the interview…they take it back to California and decide from there if we are going on the real show!

Team Kellogg!
If we are selected, they fly us roundtrip from Austin to Atlanta and they pay for our hotel…oh yeah, and the best part: WE GET TO PLAY FAMILY FEUD! We could win $100,000 and a new car! For now, we’ll keep praying we got picked and I’ll keep you posted until then~

And yes I know…I’m not even going to acknowledge how long it’s been since I’ve written…let’s just move on J.

Welcome to your birth month Baby K

November is finally here. Some days have gone by more slowly while others have flown by. One thing is for sure, you are very, very loved lit...