Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gone to be an Angel

My hiatus from blogging is over. I'm back in full swing, but not without explaining myself first.

My dearest Meme passed away a couple of Sundays ago. It's been difficult to deal with, but all-in-all I'm coping. My sweet, beautiful hero is now looking down on me from Heaven with my dad and grandfather, Papa. It still makes me cry. I told Josh I don't want to get over it because I don't want to forget, but to be honest, you never forget a woman like Meme.

She was loving, generous and loyal. She also never put up with nonsense. She'd always say, "that's silly," and If she saw me crying right now, she'd say the same. 

Her funeral was open-casket, but I couldn't go up and see her because I knew it would send me into uncontrollable tears. I'd swear I've seen her casket in a dream. It was almost all how I would've envisioned. I just wish they would've played her favorite hymn, "Just As I Am," I wish I could've said something and most of all, I wish she was still here. 

My heart hurts everyday, but I hide it. I feel lost without her. Since her death I've been so overwhelmed with feelings I don't even know what to do. I feel like nothing is right. 

But she'd rather have her legacy live on through my better actions and through the lives of those she so dearly touched. So I have to be strong and I have to try. I promise to try to live each day to the fullest and show more love to people in my life. I miss you Meme. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Reliving the Big Day

It's never too soon to talk about reliving the big day,  and it’s no secret I LOVE video. In my opinion the best way to relive something is through film.  

I’m by no means saying I’m good at it, but I have this vision of making a documentary of our wedding. I’ve always wanted to make a documentary that would make a difference for people. Granted, the only people this video would make a difference or really affect is our closest family and friends, but it’s a great place to start.

Well, I’ve been looking into videographers and gah...they’re expensive, but I have some options thanks to my brother Seth, my friend Jenn and this website I found. 

So where do we go from here? Seth suggests hiring a UT film student to take it on as their project. Jenn, so sweetly, offered to shoot and edit it herself, though I’m not sure she knew I was thinking documentary style. Then there’s this website called Wedit. It’s a good affordable option and what’s cool about it is you order this package where they send you about five flip cameras that you leave out, similar to the camera on the table option. You let the guests capture your big day and then send the cameras back to the company and they edit it for you with your input.

So now I’m still left with the question...what to do? Thoughts?

Here's some sample videos from Wedit, but seriously, share your feedback with me.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

He said YES!

Meet Dave Haney
I’m so excited to announce we have our wedding preacher and he’s the one we’d hoped for all along! Dave Haney is a very special person. He doesn’t know me yet, but I’ve been listening and soaking up every word he’s said since I first started going to church at Riverbend. I kept going because of his messages. They’ve always spoken to my heart, brought me laughter and even tears. 

You can tell God works wonders through this man. I can not even express how Happy and Excited I am about him marrying Josh and me! 

When Josh and I first began dating we went to this church...since then we’ve tried other churches trying to find where we best fit, thinking maybe Riverbend was too big. But we always kept coming back to Riverbend. We always come away being moved by the message and it’s so special to us.

Josh called the church a couple of weeks ago and we were told to wait because he was on vacation. He was also told another preacher typically does weddings not Dave, but being the stubborn people we are, we decided to wait and hear that from the man himself, biting our nails and praying about it everyday. Monday is when Josh got a call from the church and he was told HE SAID YES! Josh called me at work and told me the good news and I almost broke down crying. 

We’re so grateful and blessed and we can’t wait for our big day. Thanks for saying yes Dave and giving us so much joy! Thanks Josh for making these dreams of mine a reality!

Welcome to your birth month Baby K

November is finally here. Some days have gone by more slowly while others have flown by. One thing is for sure, you are very, very loved lit...