Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Three Good Things

It's been an incredibly long time since I've updated my blog. True, I may have lost your loyalty but rest assured I'll try and earn you back, one post at a time.

Life so far has been a bit of Tale of Two Cities ... "It was the best of times, It was the worst of times"..and on and on.

Anyways, We are having the best time being married, and even have a contract in on a house!! We are on the cusp of pure bliss, but it will not be attained without struggles, and who doesn't have those.

So, instead of harping on them, I will tell you three GREAT things happening right now.

1.) We almost have a house!

And boy is it great :) We still have one last hurdle get through but the we are "Home Free" so to speak. I'll let you know more about the house as we get closer to getting it. We're still about a month out. In the meantime, chime in on my decorating ideas on Pinterest.

2.) I'm Pressing in and pressing on.

It's become quite evident that the only person holding me back from fulfilling my greatest dreams is myself, and I won't have it. I just happened to have the channel turned to this Joyce Meyer ministry, and she was talking about feelings of depression and discouragement, which I have been struggling with. Her message was such a blessing in a down time, and now, I'm trying to change the way I see myself and I know it's already leading to betterment for myself and my relationships. I'm just excited to see where God is taking me.

3.) We are taking on projects.

We recently found a great chair on craigslist for $30 and the only thing about it is it's navy leather. I found this great blog to help us change it to black and I was thinking of covering the buttons with a nice fabric...to give it some texture. Anyways, this new house thing has us converting and finding all kind of things to convert...so much so that my husband has decided we should open a shop on Etsy and build chandeliers and lighting in our new garage. I think it's brilliant and I couldn't be more excited. Pictures of these projects will be posted soon I promise.

Thanks for reading. Tata for now!

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