Tuesday, February 26, 2013

In sickness and in health

It was exactly one year ago yesterday that we became an "official" family, and on our one year anniversary we were supposed to go indoor skydiving, have lunch & grill a nice dinner together. We were also supposed to open our box and letters to each other, but Josh got sick.

It couldn't have been more fitting to spend our one year anniversary together in sickness and me trying to nurse my husband back to health. Last night he told me he was reminded of why he married me, and even though it wasn't glitz glam or anything we planned, it was just perfect for us.

Guaranteed to make you feel better...tomato soup, grilled cheese and yummy tots!
So Happy One Year anniversary to my Love and my Everything . . . here’s to a lifetime of health and happiness!
We’re still planning to celebrate our anniversary later, when he is feeling 100%. Our indoor skydiving flight has been rescheduled to Sunday and it’s going to be a blast. We’ll get a video from the experience and I’ll be sure to share it here with y’all!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

It's our love in a box

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, February is often a time when we reflect on love. For some it's hard to get through, and true it is over-commercialized. By the time you're pressured into $100 flowers/ chocolates and a big fancy dinner at a restaurant which books months-out just for this day...it's a little overkill.

For me, February is a love month for another reason: my husband and I are coming up on our one-year anniversary! We've decided to not buy into the hype of Valentine's Day and instead invest that time and effort into our anniversary.

It's so hard to believe we've almost been married one year, but we have and I couldn't be more excited about the times we have coming up. We have alot of things going on for our anniversary and I won't reveal it all in one post so stay tuned.... BUT ... What I'm most excited about is officially starting our first family tradition.

As part of the unity ceremony during our wedding we decided to do something a little different. We found this really great box with a holder for champagne/wine and glasses. This box was placed up at the altar opened, and during the unity ceremony we had our parents pre-write letters to us for us to open on our first anniversary. During the ceremony while our aunt Traci sung "Feels Like Home to Me" our mothers came up and dropped off their letters in our box and our preacher explained to our guests what was going on and about our new tradition. The tradition is going to be writing letters to each other to read for the next year (& saving them eventually for our children). We placed our letters in the box during the ceremony and locked it up until Feb. 25, 2013...which is just a few short weeks away, and I CANNOT wait.

I'm super excited to read our letters while sipping champagne, celebrating each other and our love. Then writing new letters to each other to lock away for 2014. Just for you guys, I unlocked the box to snap a few pictures and show you what i'm talking about so you can be as excited as I am. Enjoy the pictures below and let me know what you think of our tradition. Also, feel free to share your traditions with me. I'm always looking for special and meaningful ideas.

Our special box!

Letter to read on Feb 25th

One more look
P.S. We are keeping Valentine's low key by doing our own wine, cheese and bruschetta night and catching a scary movie on cable or pay per view

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Car Week … blah

My car received a failing grade!
There comes a time in every car’s life when their inspection runs out and it’s time to get a new one. Well guess what, I took my car in for an inspection and it FAILED! I couldn’t believe it…my less than 10-year-old car was revoked.
Old tires were the culprit, but it ended up taking us the first half of the week to get everything straight. Since car shops aren’t open very late, I would drive to the shop during my lunch hour and my husband would pick me up.  Then, we’d have to go pick my car up after work. It was a grueling and expensive week (needless to say)…

Monday: Inspection and oil change, inspection failed
Tuesday: New Tires ($$)
Wednesday: Re inspect, pass

Check out my shiny new tires, she now rides like a charm
Then, it was my husband’s turn. He is leasing a car and it’s almost time to renew or make another decision. Well, on Thursday after work, we went to the dealership and it took us all night just to get to the answer, we  couldn’t afford the car he wanted…so we decided to stick with his current car, which also needed inspecting.

Thursday: Car Dealership
Friday: Inspection Failed!

That’s right, his less than 5-year-old car’s inspection also failed…Now, he needs a new battery and two new tires, and before he can re-inspect it has to be driven 60 miles with the new battery. GGRREEAATT…
That was our week last week, boo! Hope you have a better story to share…please cheer me up below!

Welcome to your birth month Baby K

November is finally here. Some days have gone by more slowly while others have flown by. One thing is for sure, you are very, very loved lit...