Friday, July 26, 2013

We're having a BABY!

Our lives will be turned upside down come November 27th because … we’re expecting our first child. We couldn't be more excited about our new venture into parenting. We've been busy little bees trying to make sure we have our house in order as well as ourselves. You can expect a lot more blogging from me.

I’m a little over 22 weeks along and we already have a pretty active baby. I’ve been feeling it move since week 14 – it’s such an amazing experience! We’re going to keep the gender a surprise until the baby is born, but as you know I’m not one for neutral! We've already pretty much got our nursery together it’s a mixture of grey, turquoise, orange and whites. I will make sure to post pictures of the transformation soon!

We just had a doctor’s appointment last week where we were able to see the baby, and we actually caught a picture of it smiling -- pretty amazing RIGHT?!

The doctor says the baby is already measuring big, judging by the size of its bones and weight … I’m kind of hoping for an early baby, maybe a week ahead or so. The 27th is the day before Thanksgiving and if it’s born on Thanksgiving my husband says it’ll have to be before 3 p.m. so he can still watch the Cowboys play ... but we’ll see. I honestly just want this baby to come before December because we already have a TON of birthdays in December in my family :), but none in November. Anyways, you guys can expect to be hearing from me more often...feel free to check out the new blog, dedicated from our growing family to yours! Also, leave me your best/favorite mommy advice ...I'll need all the help I can get!


  1. Kevyn, I'm so so so excited for you guys! This baby is going to be so lucky to be born into such a lovely family full of love. I love that ya'll are keeping it a surprise.. I know that must be so hard to do! I can't wait to follow along via your blog. So happy to hear that the pregnancy is going well!!

    Wishing you all the best!!
    - Christine

  2. Thanks so much Christine, we are sooo excited and can't wait! I hope you guys are doing well also!! :)


Welcome to your birth month Baby K

November is finally here. Some days have gone by more slowly while others have flown by. One thing is for sure, you are very, very loved lit...