Monday, July 18, 2011

The way I see it..

Not to be completely outdone, I'd like to share with you a little bit of my side of this story Kevyn is telling (and doing an awesome job.. I love her). First of all, when she told you about the day we met she got most of the story just right, but she doesn't know exactly what I was thinking. So let me tell you. I was sitting in a booth at Chuy's in their "waiting area" when she walked in. About an hour earlier, my friends had told me they were inviting a girl to dinner with us, and to be honest I didn't have that high of expectations. They told me her name (a boy's name I thought) and that they had met her at a church camp (not typically the ideal spot for finding hotties). So, we were just sitting there eating chips and salsa when she walked in and I didn't have a care in the world. I'll never ever forget the first time I saw her. She literally took my breath away. She was wearing what looked like a racing jacket and blue jeans and her blond hair was beautiful. I'm pretty sure I went from non-stop talking (probably about sports, movies, boating, fishing.. guy stuff.. etc. ) to dead silent. I was not expecting her. I managed to ask her a few question through out the evening like "have you ever had a boom boom chicken enchiladas?" and "do you like the Cowboys".. you know.. real smooth questions, but I wasn't my typical self. I knew something special had happened that night, and I now know what it was. I met my soulmate.

Kevyn is my best friend. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and there isn't anything in the whole world I wouldn't give up for her. Everywhere I want to go I want to go with her. Everywhere I've been, I want to go back, with her.

Asking Kevyn to marry me was the easiest thing I've ever done. Was it nerve-racking? Yes. Was I scared a little? Yes. But it was so easy to ask the lady I already knew was my soulmate to be my wife. I can honestly say I never once second guessed my decision to ask her. The only thing I second guessed was how I was going to do it. If you know Kevyn, you know she goes big, or she goes home. I knew she had high expectations and I also knew I'm not exactly the most creative person in the world, and I didn't want to let her down.

For months I contemplated elaborate ways to ask her to marry me. I thought about YouTube videos, surprise plane rides, boat rides, renting out theaters, and even flash mobs. I was driving myself insane thinking about it and yet over and over again I kept coming back to the same conclusion. Dan (kevyn's dad) and others I talked to about my ideas for engagement told me over and over again "the engagement itself is the special occasion" and so my elaborate ideas didn't make much since because they had nothing to do with me and Kevyn or our story. So, I thought to myself, "how did WE happen?" Obviously its a long story, but I've told Kevyn a million times I knew I loved her the first day we met and I knew we would stay together forever after our first date. Our first date was, in my opinion, PERFECT. We ate the best food in town, cuddled under the stars at the most romantic spot in town, and then went to probably one of the most fun places in town, the Alamo Drafthouse. Recreating this night became the obvious way for me to ask her to marry me, and thats exactly what I did. And on that night, as I dropped to one knee and looked at her face I saw her glowing and I knew it was the right decision. She was beautiful and perfect and I am so proud to call her mine. She said yes.. and the story continues to Act 2 (the wedding).


  1. Josh, I think I like your version better than Kevyn's. Had me laughing all the way through.

    I'm so happy for you two! :)

  2. Ahh! I love it! So cute to hear it from the "boy's point of view." he he. (and so sweet)


Welcome to your birth month Baby K

November is finally here. Some days have gone by more slowly while others have flown by. One thing is for sure, you are very, very loved lit...